Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Vicksburg, MS

We just finished spending two enjoyable days in Vicksburg, MS. An interesting stop was the Biedenharn Candy Company. It was here in the summer of 1894 that Joseph Biedenharn, a young candy merchant took the popular fountain beverage Coca Cola, put it in bottles and shipped it into rural areas. It marked the first time Coca Cola was sold in bottles and he was responsible for shaping the soft drink industry.

We then drove a portion of the scenic drive through historic Vicksburg. They are very tourist oriented with the red and blue route signs directing you through the city. The routes take you through beautiful residential and historic areas. A large portion of the streets are brick paved.

Vicksburg National Military Park is among the most stirring of the nation’s battlefield memorials. Abraham Lincoln said that the war can never be brought to a close until Vicksburg is controlled by the Union forces. On July 4, 1863 Vicksburg surrendered to Union troops following a fierce 47 day siege.

One of the first things we saw was a loading and shooting demonstration of one of the cannons with the “soldiers” in uniform.

Cannons, trenches, and over 1,300 markers and monuments honor the soldiers who fought and died here.

The Illinois State Memorial is a daunting sight, with its staircase of 47 steps, one for each day of the siege.

We had lunch at the Walnut Hills Restaurant where we ate fabulous authentic Southern plantation food served in the atmosphere of an 1860’s home.

We didn’t have the world-famous fried chicken, but had fried pork chops instead (chef’s choice!) Along with this we could have chicken & biscuits, coleslaw, sweet potatoes, purple hulled beans, butter beans, mustard greens, steamed okra, okra with beef and tomatoes, gravy, corn bread, etc. All these trimmings and more were served family style being placed on a large lazy-Susan at the center of the table. For dessert you had a choice of apple crisp or lemon pie.

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